I haven’t posted anything in over a year. When I wrote the finale, I meant it.
Out of the blue, when I woke up this morning I somehow had the urge to go to my WordPress App, started scrolling down the blogs and went to see what happened that year today.
3 years ago today I went into Isolation. Back then I knew I had to lock myself up, I didn’t even think about how I would react to the treatment, I knew I would get back out a brand new person.
A lot happened during the past 3 years. For the most part, it has to do with my mind, my sense of spirituality and of course all the travelling!!
I used to think things just happen. Whatever happens, I’ll deal with it, good or bad, it doesn’t matter because life moves on. Now, whenever something happens, I look into the details, how it happened and why it happened. Was there any sign prior to the event? And how is it going to Change my future? As I learned one thing – Everything happens for a reason. The Lymphoma really doesn’t seem so bad after all, it has done me more good than bad. If I didn’t evolve, I don’t get to be here!
I was once told, the person who makes you angry; the person who challenges you; the person who demean you, they are your teachers; they make you learn; they make you grow. I had many of those and I’m sure there’ll be more down the road. However, feeling blessed as I am, I came across many who are around to help and teach in a more gentle manner. I have been guided and enlightened to beliefs and theories I didn’t know about.
Only when one is ready, the evolution will take place. And when it does, it will blow your mind out. The most beautiful Serendipity happens out of the blue not even when you least expect but when you’re not expecting anything at all. And yes there were signs and yes it just feels perfect.
Today I begin a 2 week road trip to the mountains, attending one of my oldest and most lovely friends’ wedding and a good friend’s birthday celebration. Let’s just call this a treat to really reward myself for what has been achieved in the past 4 years and to celebrate the new chapter in life with all the bEginnings that have already taken place. Though you cannot be here, you’re deep within!